
Uber Cute



October 2024

If you’re looking to use online fuckbook sites like  free of assholes, you would have your work cut out for you. The sad reality is that this type of online adult entertainment tends to bring out the worst in guys. These guys come out of the woodwork and they are drawn by the free entertainment and these idiots basically end up spoiling everybody else’s experiences. It doesn’t take a genius to see why attracting a few jerks and bastards to a webcam audience will spoil everybody else’s fun. If there not heckling the performer, they’re insulting other members of the audience.

A lot of this really is troll behavior. If you think trolling is just something that happens on the comment section of YouTube or blog comments of certain popular blogs, think again. Trolling is actually more prevalent than you realize.

A troll is somebody who gets excited when other people get upset. That is all a troll’s reason for being. There’s no money in it for them. There’s definitely no fame. They just want people to get upset. They feel that they are truly alive when somebody somehow or someway got offended by something they said.

It’s really hard to combat trolls if you don’t know what gets them off. They didn’t go to porn cam shows to enjoy the show. That’s not their point. Their entertainment is how pissed off everybody will get until they get kicked out.

So how do you protect yourself from this type of bullshit behavior? Very simple, be trigger happy when it comes to the report button. If you see somebody just basically trying to get arise out of people, don’t give them second or third chances. The moment they try to uphold these bullshit trolling shenanigans, report them. If enough people do this and you encourage other people to do this, you can use online fuckbook sites free of assholes and trolls. It really is that simple. It’s your responsibility.